Urban legends and conspiracy theories are generally not my thing. I have never been abducted by a UFO; I have never had an encounter with Big
Foot, Sasquatch or Nessie; I believe the Egyptians were actually the ones responsible for building the pyramids; and I do not have any particular reason to doubt the Warren Commission report. However,
I did see Elvis at the Happy Hour: Tap and Brew in the Quad event at SAS Global Forum 2016!
And, it does make sense in a Las Vegas kind of way:
The King of Rock 'n Roll meets the King of Analytics. Right?
I was a bit disappointed that Elvis was not one of the 200+
people who packed my Monday morning presentation, Paper 3440-2016: PROC
DATASETS; The Swiss Army Knife of SAS Procedures.
If you were not
able to attend, here is a link to a recording of that very session:
I was not the only person to have a recorded SAS Global Forum presentation;
here is a link to the other 90 recorded sessions: http://sasgf16.v.sas.com/category/videos/breakout-sessions?page=2
If you prefer the printed word to the spoken word, then you
can’t go wrong accessing the proceedings at this link: http://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings16/index.html
If you are not actively reading SAS conference proceedings to boost your SAS programming knowledge, well then: You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, cryin' all the time:-)!
Best of luck in all your SAS endeavors!
Best of luck in all your SAS endeavors!
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