SAS Programming Professionals,
Did you know that you can use PROC SQL to quickly derive
summary statistics from SAS data sets?
You can then use those summary statistics in subsequent
DATA steps and procedures. Here is an
proc sql noprint;
count(name), avg(age), min(height), max(height),sum(weight)
into :totalobs,
:avgage, :minheight,
:maxheight, :totweight
%put "Number of
observations = " &totalobs;
%put "Average age =
" &avgage;
%put "Minimum height =
" &minheight;
%put "Maximum height =
" &maxheight;
%put "Total weight of
class = " &totweight;
data class_stats;
format percent_weight percent.;
percent_weight = weight/&totweight;
abovemin_height = height - &minheight;
belowmax_height = &maxheight - height;
if age > &avgage then
older = "Yes";
older = "No ";
proc print
noobs data=class_stats;
title1 "Selected Class Comparisons";
In the SQL Procedure above, we specify various summary
statistics for five variables and store them INTO macro variables. (The NOPRINT options keeps the List
destination clean). Next, we print the
values of the macro variables to the SAS log to document the summary statistics. Then, we use the newly minted macro variables
in a DATA step to derive the values of four new variables.
The first portion of the output looks like this:
Class Comparisons
percent_ abovemin_
Name Sex Age Height Weight weight height height older
Alfred M 14 69.0 112.5 6% 17.7 3.0 Yes
Alice F 13 56.5 84.0 4% 5.2 15.5 No
Barbara F 13 65.3 98.0 5% 14.0 6.7 No
Carol F 14 62.8 102.5 5% 11.5 9.2 Yes
Copy the example and take it for a test drive to see how
easy it is to derive summary statistics with PROC SQL.
of luck in all your SAS endeavors!
Michael A. Raithel)
Excerpt from the book:
Did You Know That? Essential Hacks for Clever SAS Programmers
I plan to post each and every one of the hacks in the book to social media on a weekly basis. Please pass them along to colleagues who you know would benefit.