SAS Programming Professionals,
Did you know that when using SAS/CONNECT, you can have a program running
on a server “reach back” and process data directly from a SAS data set on your
client machine (workstation)?
The aptly-named INHERITLIB option allows a remotely-running SAS program
to process data from your workstation or network as if it were local to the
remote server. Using the INHERITLIB
option obviates the need for you to use PROC UPLOAD to send your data to the
remote server for processing. This can
be very handy when you do not want to have multiple copies of a data set spread
across your various computing platforms.
The INHERITLIB option can be coded on either the RSUBMIT or the SIGNON
statement. Here is an example:
libname pclib "C:\PRODDATA";
rsubmit inheritlib=(pclib);
proc summary
nway data=pclib.shoeaud(where=(region="Canada"));
region product subsidiary;
var sales
output out=sumshoes
In this example, we are allocating the “C:\proddata” directory (on a
Windows workstation) to the “PCLIB” libref in our local SAS session. Thereafter, we RSUBMIT a simple PROC SUMMARY
that will run on our Linux server. The
RSUBMIT statement specifies that the remote session is to “inherit” the PCLIB
libref. So, when the SUMMARY procedure
executes on the remote Linux server, it “reaches back” to the workstation and
drags the relevant observations across the network to the waiting SUMMARY
procedure running on the Linux server.
Pretty neat, eh?
Of course, you need to weigh the additional network traffic associated
with remote servers processing local data against any gains realized by using
the INHERITLIB option. But, you already
knew that; didn’t you?
of luck in all your SAS endeavors!
Michael A. Raithel)
Excerpt from the book:
Did You Know That? Essential Hacks for Clever SAS Programmers
I plan to post each and every one of the hacks in the book to social media on a weekly basis. Please pass them along to colleagues who you know would benefit.