SAS Programming Professionals,
Did you know that you can have Oracle do the heavy
lifting when running SAS programs that process Oracle tables?
Over the past few years, SAS has been working with major
DBMS vendors (Sybase and Oracle, to name a couple) to facilitate “in-database
procedures”. In-database procedures
allow the native DBMS to perform particular SAS procedures within the database
itself and output the result sets to SAS.
In-database procedures can reduce the elapsed time of SAS programs and
reduce network bandwidth because large amounts of data are crunched within a
DBMS by its native engines, and smaller result sets are served back to your SAS
Several SAS procedures, including PROC FREQ, PROC
SUMMARY, and PROC TABULATE have been instrumented to perform in-database
processing of Oracle tables. You can
direct SAS to use in-database processing via the SQLGENERATION=DBMS option.
Here is an example:
libname oracledb ORACLE user='ProdUser' orapw='PROD$427' path='Oracledb' schema='ledzep';
sqlgeneration = dbms;
proc options option=sqlgeneration;
proc summary data=oracledb.tblBIGDATA
output out=work.summ1 sum=;
In the example, the LIBNAME statement allocates a
production Oracle data base. The OPTIONS
specifies that we want to have in-database processing of SAS procedures
whenever possible. The OPTIONS procedure
simply dumps the current value of SQLGENERATION to the SAS log so we are
doubly-sure we are good-to-go. The
SUMMARY procedure accesses the tblBIGDATA
Oracle table, summarizing specific variables and storing the result set in the
SUMM1 SAS data set in the Work SAS data library. Oracle performs the summarization within the
database and passes the SUMM1 data set to SAS.
The large DBMS table stays put in the Oracle database, and we get a
small summarized SAS data set. Not bad,
If you are doing a lot of work processing large Oracle
tables, consider how in-database procedures might be of benefit to your SAS programs.
Michael A. Raithel)
Excerpt from the book:
Did You Know That? Essential Hacks for Clever SAS Programmers
I plan to post each and every one of the hacks in the book to social media on a weekly basis. Please pass them along to colleagues who you know would benefit.
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