Did you know that you can dynamically insert and append SAS format
libraries and macro libraries to your list of available SAS libraries dynamically within a SAS program?
The INSERT= SAS option allows you to insert a libref as the FIRST
in a series of librefs that SAS will search.
The APPEND= SAS option allows you to append a libref as the LAST
in a series of librefs that SAS will search.
These two options work to modify the following SAS system options’
Here is an example of using the INSERT= option:
libname templib "c:\temp";
options insert=(fmtsearch=(templib));
… after the code, above, has run, PROC OPTIONS will reveal that the
TEMPLIB format library is placed ahead of the other SAS format
libraries that SAS searches for a particular format:
Conversely, in this example of the APPEND= option:
libname templib "c:\temp";
options append=(fmtsearch=(templib));
… after the code, above, has run, PROC OPTIONS will reveal that the
TEMPLIB format library is placed after the other SAS format
libraries that SAS searches for a particular format:
Prior to the implementation of the INSERT= and APPEND= options, you
either had to modify the –INSERT and –APPEND options in your SAS CONFIG file
(and then launch SAS), or you had to specify the search order of _ALL_
libraries via the FMTSEARCH=, SASAUTOS=, etc. options within a program. Now, you can pre-append or append the various
format, macro, etc. libraries for your various projects or users on the fly. This is a BIG step forward thanks to the
brainiacs at the SAS Institute!
In summary, you can use:
INSERT= to pre-append libraries so they will be searched
FIRST in the search pattern when specifying CMPLIB=, FMTSEARCH=, MAPS=, SASAUTOS=,
and SASSCRIPT= option statements.
APPEND= to append libraries so they will be searched LAST
in the search pattern when specifying CMPLIB=, FMTSEARCH=, MAPS=, SASAUTOS=, and SASSCRIPT=
option statements.
(aka Michael A. Raithel)
Author of the new cult classic for computer programmers: It Only Hurts When I Hit <ENTER>
Print edition: http://tinyurl.com/z8bzx2e
Kindle edition: http://tinyurl.com/zypgqa7
The hack above is an excerpt from the book: Did You Know That? Essential Hacks for Clever SAS Programmers
Print edition: http://tinyurl.com/z8bzx2e
Kindle edition: http://tinyurl.com/zypgqa7
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