Did you know that you can use the TEMP option of the
FILENAME statement to create a temporary flat file?
You can write to or read from that flat file as long as the
FILENAME remains assigned. I often use the TEMP option to build a program within a program and then
execute it. Here is an example:
/* Beginning of the IDENTIFY SAS Macro. */
* Pipe the names of data files to the SAS System for
processing. *;
filename dircmd pipe "dir /b
* Temporary file to hold the READFLAT SAS Macro call
statements. *;
filename holdmacs TEMP;
* Process each specific file name, dropping unneeded ones.
Format *;
* SAS READFLAT Macro calls for valid data files. *;
data _null_;
length outline $100;
file holdmacs;
infile dircmd missover length=length;
input bigline $varying200. length;
outline = '%READFLAT(' || "&SASLIB" || ',' || "&DIRNAME" || '\' ||
trim(left(bigline)) || ');';
put outline;
* Include holdmacs, which is now a series of READFLAT SAS Macro *;
* invocations. This will execute Process_Flat_Files.sas once
for *;
* each “.txt” flat file found in the target data
directory. *;
%INCLUDE holdmacs;
/* End of the IDENTIFY SAS Macro. */
In this very busy example, the first FILENAME statement
directs SAS to perform the DIR command on a data directory and output the names
of the files in that directory when the DIRCMD filename is accessed.
The second FILENAME creates a temporary flat file named HOLDMACS.
The DATA step reads the data set names passed to the DIRCMD
filename statement. Then, it formats a
line of code that is an invocation of the %READFLAT macro. It then writes that line to the HOLDMACS
temporary file. After the data step has completed executing, the HOLDMACS
temporary file looks something like this:
(aka Michael A. Raithel)
Author of the new cult classic for computer programmers: It Only Hurts When I Hit <ENTER>
Print edition: http://tinyurl.com/z8bzx2e
Kindle edition: http://tinyurl.com/zypgqa7
The hack above is an excerpt from the book: Did You Know That? Essential Hacks for Clever SAS Programmers
Print edition: http://tinyurl.com/z8bzx2e
Kindle edition: http://tinyurl.com/zypgqa7
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